Why Is My Skin Dry Even When I Moisturize?

Why Is My Skin Dry Even When I Moisturize?

Skin dryness may seem like a simple problem with an even simpler solution—moisturizer. But moisturizing your skin doesn’t always provide the quick fix you’re looking for. If you have your skincare routine down to a science, but your skin still feels dry, rough, and flaky, you may be wondering, why is my skin so dry even when I moisturize?

Don’t worry—we’re here to help. 

By learning about the underlying causes of skin dryness and exploring ways to optimize your skin’s moisture, you can unlock a healthy, well-hydrated complexion. 


Understanding your skin type is crucial when addressing dry skin issues. Whether you have sensitive skin, oily skin, or a combination, each skin type requires different care. For example, oily skin may need a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer, while dry or sensitive skin might benefit from a heavier, hydrating moisturizer.


Both internal and external elements can influence your skin’s moisture. Drinking plenty of water, for example, is a must for having hydrated skin—even the best moisturizer can’t fully counteract skin that’s dehydrated from the inside out. 

Certain types of soap or detergent can also cause a reaction that dries out your skin. By understanding these factors and taking a holistic approach to your skincare, you have the best chance of defeating dryness and eliminating any issues holding you back from achieving a healthy, hydrated glow.


Ideally, you should be using moisturizer once or twice a day to help trap water molecules on the surface of your skin. Adopting a regular moisturizing schedule can help tame your dryness issues and get the most out of each drop of moisture. 

If moisturizer is already a part of your regular routine and yet you’re still struggling with dryness, one (or more) of these common issues could be the culprit:

Lack of exfoliation

Your skin naturally renews and regenerates—but to see this new skin, you have to first get rid of the dead skin cells on top. If you have a buildup of dead skin cells on your face, it may cause your skin to become dry and flaky.


Use of the wrong products

Not all moisturizers are created equal. If your moisturizer doesn’t contain enriching ingredients, it may not be able to give your skin the boost it needs. Always look at what is going into our skincare products and onto your skin.


Too much washing

Along with the support of moisturizer, your skin uses its natural oils to stay hydrated. Excessively using harsh soaps to strip your skin of these oils could disrupt your skin’s natural barrier and lead to dryness or irritation.



Using too much moisturizer may actually be holding you back from the soft, supple skin of your dreams. You only need to moisturize about twice a day—moisturizing too much could disrupt your skin’s natural oil production.

By carefully assessing your skincare habits and surrounding environmental factors, and making a few simple adjustments, you may be able to overcome dry skin once and for all. 


Regardless of your lifestyle or environment, moisturizer is your greatest ally when it comes to addressing your dry skin. But as we said earlier, not all moisturizers are created equal. Choosing a moisturizer with quality ingredients that rejuvenate your skin is the quickest way to tap into effective hydration. 

That’s why we created the Seven:Thirty HERO Peptide Moisturizer—it features restorative copper peptides and anti-inflammatory zinc gluconate. These ingredients work together to attract and retain long-lasting moisture and soothe dry, thirsty skin.

Just as important as honing in on ingredients that support your skin is avoiding ingredients that are damaging. When shopping for a moisturizer, keep an eye out for potentially harsh and abrasive ingredients that could contribute to dryness, such as:

  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Benzyl alcohol


Applying moisturizer is a fairly simple process, but adding a bit of finesse can maximize its impact. Before you even start moisturizing, set yourself up for success with the right prep. 

Use a gentle cleanser to prime your skin for the incoming hydration. Then, add an extra hint of moisture with a hydrating serum. Serums have helpful humectants that draw moisture deep into your skin, giving you a base level of hydration beyond what moisturizer can achieve on its own. 

Here are a few other tips:

  • Thoroughly wash your hands to start with a clean base
  • Apply moisturizer to damp skin to trap in extra moisture
  • Maintain a consistent moisturizing routine every day
  • Gently massage your skin as you apply the product



Curating your skincare routine is just the first step to ensuring lasting skin hydration. To achieve balanced skin in the long term, consider implementing lifestyle changes that prioritize your skin’s health, such as:

  • Eating a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin
  • Using a humidifier, especially in the winter
  • Avoiding intensely hot showers or baths that can strip or damage your skin
  • Regularly wearing sunscreen to avoid dryness from sun damage
  • Getting plenty of sleep to give your skin time to heal and renew each night
  • Adding a trusted, expertly formulated moisturizer to your skincare routine, like Seven:Thirty’s HERO Peptide Moisturizer

Understanding why your skin is so dry even when you moisturize requires a multifaceted approach. By choosing the right moisturizer, like our HERO Peptide Moisturizer, and making lifestyle adjustments, you can achieve hydrated, healthy skin. Remember, a consistent skincare routine tailored to your skin type is essential to combat dry skin and unlock the soft, supple, hydrated skin you deserve. 


Healthline. Why Your Skin Feels Dry, Even After Moisturizing — and How to Fix It. https://www.healthline.com/health/why-is-my-skin-so-dry-even-when-i-moisturize

 Mayo Clinic. Dry Skin. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-skin/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20353891

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